Korihi Te manu

takiri mai i Te ata

Ka ao, ka ao, ka awatea

Tihei Mauriora



I’ve been an undercover light-worker for some time… and on the spiritual adventure path for 20+ years. I enjoy coaching others through their awakenings, integrations, and transformations.

I have a BSc in psychology and trained as a behavioural therapist working with men in prison. After a number of years (and probably my third burnout) I shifted my focus to wider system change, leading transformation projects in the social, health, and disability spaces.

During this time, I’ve traveled the inner and outer worlds and deepened my spirituality with zen, tantra, yogic philosophy and many other metaphysical practices. Recently I was called into the mysteries of Amazonian plant medicines and holistic health. I believe our ascension requires health at all levels (spirit, mind, emotions & body). Not only within ourselves but also in our relationships and community.

I value

self-leadership, Freedom, Integrity, clarity, love & Joy

I have an in-depth understanding of relationships in all forms and styles. I do not discriminate against gender/age/ethnicity etc.

All of your being is welcome here.

Wishing you Peace, Love & Wisdom
